Try for free

Boost Twitch viewers for free

Para probar nuestro servicio gratis necesitas:

1. Registrarte en nuestro servicio y no tener pedidos.

2. Obtener un código promocional de prueba para tu saldo en el bot de Telegram: StreamHubWorld_bot

2. Write to technical support and send a link to your Twitch channel.

3. Wait for approval, and enter the promo code in your personal account (finance) that will be given to you!

Why don't we automatically issue a free test?

- A lot of users abuse the free test, which can negatively affect our quality of service!

How to get a promo code for a review?

Method 1

Record a video review of our service!

1. Tell what the service is for, its functions

2. Tell how to use the service, how to place an order

3. Show the process of the order, its result

4. And personal opinion

5. Upload the video to YouTube and upload the source video to any file sharing service and wait for the promo code

6. Enter the received promo code in the «finances» section (from $1 to $6) The amount depends on the quality of the video, the quality of the information and its presentation!

Method 2

1. You need to leave a review on one of the forums:

Feedback must be real (screenshots of orders, description of order fulfillment, screenshots of order work, and anything else you want from yourself!)

2. Write to Technical Support, send a screenshot of your review and a nickname on our website and wait for the promo code that will be sent to you!

3. Enter the sent promo code in the «finances» section

The amount of the promo code will depend on the “quality of the feedback: descriptions of the order and its execution, screenshots and personal opinion!” and of course your reputation on this forum! People with a reputation and a long-term registration will receive more amount in the promo code than people who have just registered. (Amount: from $0.5 to $3 in promo code)

Method 3

1. On any visited site, forum, and the like, you need to create a topic with a name something like: «Twitching viewers» and describe in the topic: why our service is needed, what it does; how to use the service – what you need to register first, add a channel, pay a tariff and use, with screenshots and personal opinion.

2. Wait a day after creating the theme, check that it has not been deleted and drop the link to our Technical support and you will be sent a promo code depending on the «quality of the theme and the site itself» (from $0.7 to $4 in promo code)
